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Choosing the Best Meal Replacement for People with Diabetes

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

For most people, every day can be a “cheat day” when it comes to food. However, for people with diabetes, cheat days are not ideal as they are advised to monitor their intake of carbohydrates, sugar, and salt. In addition, they are also advised to consider proper portion control when eating.

Research studies have shown that meal replacements are safe and effective among pre-diabetes patients and those already diagnosed with the condition. Meal replacements are food products (such as shakes, milk drinks, packaged entrées, cereals, soups, and bars) that can help prevent fluctuation in the blood sugar.

Meal replacements contain defined amounts of calories. Since these products come in exact portions, people can control their calorie intake and are able to stay within their prescribed low-carbohydrate diets.

While there are many meal replacements to choose from, each person must find the one that works for them in terms of their preferences, beliefs, and lifestyle. Considering meal replacements can be a good choice but choosing the right one for a person with diabetes can be tricky. Here are some points to consider when choosing the best meal replacement option:

• Should meet all nutritional needs without added sugar;

• Should meet nutritional standards to qualify as a “meal”, including adequate calorie count, distribution of macronutrients (such as fat, protein, and carbohydrates), and other nutrients including vitamins and minerals, and;

• Should meet standards set by the person’s doctor.

Diabetasol is a meal replacement, following the guidance from American Diabetes Association (ADA). It is designed with complete and balanced nutrients and comes in many flavors. It contains Vitadigest, a combination of inulin fiber and slow digesting carbohydrate which helps regulate blood sugar by sustaining the energy release, hence it makes you feel full longer. The components of vitamins A, C, D, E and Zinc in Diabetasol also help enhance your immune system, making you less prone to infection.

Considering the use of meal replacement therapy, especially for patients with diabetes, can lead to clinically relevant improvements and benefits:

• Helps regulate blood sugar and feel full longer

• Better weight management

• Reduces cardiovascular risk

• Improves inadequate macro or micronutrient intake

• Increases dietary calcium intake

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